Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Hedges Family

If you know me well enough, you'll just roll your eyes and laugh when you hear that a quick road trip to Plainfield from my home in Greenfield turned out to be not so quick after all.  Of course, despite the wonderful directions given to me by my old college friend Amy (are we old enough to say we're old college friends?!? NAH.), I somehow managed to get lost on my way to Friendship Gardens.  Sigh.  Just when I think my sense of direction is improving, I prove myself wrong!!  Ha ha!  Nevertheless, I eventually arrived there to meet Amy, her awesome husband Todd, and adorable (and might I suggest Drew Barrymore look-alike?!?!!) daughter, Olivia.  We had a great time walking around Friendship Gardens while we took some fun photos!  Here ya go!

1 comment:

Liz Todd said...

LOVE the picture with the huge flowers and the one of mom and dad kissing their sweet girl! She looks just like her mom!!